Why do they appear?
Types of warts

- Simple (vulgar) - round growths with a rough surface and nodules that protrude from the skin.
- Flat - Multiple structures with a dense, smooth surface that barely protrude above the skin. Most commonly affects children and adolescents.
- Palmoplantar - painful nodules, deeply rooted, covered with cuticle. Occurs in areas of mechanical shock or constant pressure.
- Threads - Look like rectangular growths on thin stems. Located on the eyelids, eyes, armpits, and inguinal fold areas.
- Genital warts have lobular structures that resemble papillomas in appearance. They form in the perineal area and on the genitals.
When should it be deleted?

- The skin grows rapidly and increases in size;
- Changes in the shape and color of the tumor;
- Warts can become painful and bleed;
- Plantar warts are very painful and make walking difficult;
- Genital warts (genital warts) can cause discomfort during sex, bowel movements, and urination.
Wart removal at home

How to remove warts quickly at home
- An aqueous solution based on potassium and sodium bases that, when applied to tumors, causes necrosis (death) of their tissue. Caustic alkali penetrates deeply into the growing structure (to the roots), causing the wart to dry out and fall off quickly. Use caution when using this medication. Corrosive alkalis can cause chemical burns to healthy tissue, so the skin around the growth must first be lubricated with petroleum jelly or baby cream. Using a special applicator, apply a small amount of the solution to the wart and wait for it to dry completely.
- An improved version of a now discontinued drug. Oily liquid based on phenol and 3-methylphenol has a cauterizing and mummifying effect. As a result, the wart dies and falls off. To avoid chemical burns, do not allow solution to come into contact with healthy skin. Before surgery, zinc cream should be applied to the area around the wart. Work on the growth point by point, lubricate 3-4 times and wait for the liquid to be absorbed. The number of surgeries ranges from 4 to 10, depending on the type of wart and the area where it is located.
- An effective Swiss-made product based on a combination of acids (lactic, oxalic, acetic, nitric). The drug is available as a colorless solution and has a powerful mummifying effect when applied. Before using the drug, the dense cuticle must be removed. To do this, it is recommended to steam the formation in hot water or first apply a preparation with a keratolytic effect (for example, salicylic acid ointment). Apply the solution carefully using a special applicator, being careful not to get it on healthy skin. This process was repeated several times with 1 day of rest in between.
- A medicine that destroys wart tissue by freezing it. Its active ingredient is a mixture of dimethyl ether and propane, which has the same effect as liquid nitrogen in removing warts. This medicine is produced in a canister with an aerosol nozzle. The outlet temperature of the mixture reaches – 57 °C. Apply the cooling composition using a special applicator and leave it on for 3 to 40 seconds depending on the type of tumor. Rapid cooling of warts can lead to destruction and necrosis of pathological tissue. After a few days of treatment, the substance that formed will disappear.
- Solutions based on lactic acid and salicylic acid;
- Glycyrrhizic acid cream;
- aerosols for freezing;
- Pencils based on silver nitrate;
- Salicylic acid keratolytic agent;
- A podophyllotoxin-based cauterizing agent used to treat genital warts;
- A gel based on potato german, which has antiviral effects;
- Ointment containing interferon alpha-2b to stimulate local immunity.
How to remove warts on fingers

How to remove warts on legs

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